Minggu, 15 Februari 2009


Hai, 88 smpn1 bara community! It has been so long I can't read and send you my news. It's really great to read your blog time by time. It has been developing so fast and more interesting. 
Hopefully, it will be a very, very usefull and meaningfull not only for the 88 comunity only but further more for others. Amen.
For me myself. There are so much surprised every time I opened and read it. Like this evening. 
There is Tya ( Setyabudi )! I miss U My Son! I always remember U, coz U always read the English text VERY FAST whenever I asked U to ( hehehe... ).
There is also Yuli. The winner of My PILBAS Programme! How are you, My Beautiful Daughter?
There are also Fuad Nur, Wahyu and Hendi. ( ThankS Hendi. U' ve contacted me )
And for all of the 88 community I always love you much!

Your Mom always, 
BEtty yuLIA

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009


Berkat Doa Anti dan anak-anaku dimana saja, ibu selalu dalam lindungan-Nya. Semoga demikian sebaliknya, amin. 

Ibu memang berada satu kecamatan dengan lokasi longsor. Kalau boleh jujur, ibu benar-benar terharu, ternyata masih ada diantara sekian puluh ribu mantan anak-anak ibu yang menaruh perhatian, serasa ibu berada diantara kalian dan ingin rasanya impian ini menjadi kenyataan !!

Untuk anak-anak ibu yang lain, kapan kalian main ke Karanganyar? Mungkin rekreasi ke Makam Pak Harto atau ke Tawangmangu, ibu dekat lokasi itu. Terimaksih, semoga Tuhan mempertemukan kita, amin...

ibu kalian,

Sri Suhadmi

'88 Community's Blog

Hai, my children of '88....

Congratulations on your new community! I'm really very happy and proud, I've ever been a part of you all... Hopefully it will always exist and develop day by day as you wish all. Amen.

Oh, ya, u know, I always feel something that I can't express in thousands of words or sentences whenever I got the news from my children, especially the '88 students. U know U are my first students that I followed from year to year, fully 3 years in SMP. So U're really impressed me deeply in my heart. I'm really proud of you all.

My lovely children....
My tears dropped while I was reading your blog ...
U have suppoted my life ....
Thanks God in the rest of my life I have a very special chance to meet again with my children of 88.
Always keep on touching your old Mom with your news, my dearest children.

For Yani ( Sari Isdiyani & Kevin ). Anti ( Marhaeni ), Bowo ( Wibowo Bagus Tetuko with all of his Family : Fifian, Anya & Calya), Fajar ( Fajar Alfianto, Ida, Dinda & Daffa ), Kismono ( Kismono Eddy, Pak Wakapolres Bontang ) and Tuti ( Umi Indah Hastuti ), thank so much, you all remember me.... Thanks for Ur beautifull photos.... n thanks for filling and colouring my life and also my dedication ....
And special for my son Aris ... I miss U, son ... Would U please meet and contact me if U have spare time ....????

Annndddd .... finally for the community of '88 .... keep forwards to develop your idea..... KEEP ON CARING n SHARING to all of your community !!!!

LY much my special students,

Your Mom ( BEtty yuLIA )